info & kontuzje ENG Premier League, Injuries, October 30 - 29.10.2005
Newcastle 8 DYER Kieron AMRC ** 14.10 INJURED long-term 2 / 10
Newcastle 11 BOWYER Lee MRC ** 29.10 INJURED 8 / 10
Newcastle 20 LUQUE Albert FLC *** 16.9 INJURED long-term 2 / 10
Newcastle 23 AMEOBI Shola SC * 29.10 INJURED 3 / 10
WBA 3 ROBINSON Paul DLC ** 29.10 SUSPENDED 1 / 3 10 / 10
WBA 11 GERA Zoltan AMR *** 29.10 QUESTIONABLE groin 6 / 10
WBA 18 DYER Lloyd D/AML * 26.9 LOAN / OUT to QPR (1 month) - / 10
WBA 20 KIRKLAND Chris GK *** 29.10 INJURED bruised kidney 10 / 10
WBA 25 KANU SC ** 29.10 QUESTIONABLE hamstring 3 / 10
Explanation of stars (*) after the player names.
There are four different categories and they describe the importance of the player. Higher the importance, bigger the effect on estimations.
*** = Irreplaceable Key Player, high importance
** = A starting XI player or an often used rotation player, medium importance
* = rotation player, small importance
- = an youngster or a very rarely used player, no importance
The number after the player name indicates how many times the player has been in the starting XI of his team this season.