Nie mam siły do tego 32red ;/;/ GRam Frerrol $500 teraz 113 osob 10 minut mam ponad 8000 !!!
Chociaż na początku już było ciężko z limpusem
> Dealing Hole Cards(Qs Qc )
> debszippy, you have 10 seconds to respond
> debszippy folded
> poker123123 called for 30
> pieman71 folded
> GEORDY folded
> pokermalc folded
> Andee1998 called for 30
> _MilkMan_ folded
> wail79 called for 15
> Bulinda went all-in for 2,360
> poker123123 went all-in for 727
> Andee1998 folded
> wail79 folded
> Extra chips returned to Bulinda, 1,633
> Dealing the Flop(9h 3c 10h )
> Dealing the turn(8h )
> Dealing the river(Qh )
> poker123123 wins 1,574 with a Flush, Hearts
Później odbiłem do 4000 i :
> Dealing Hole Cards(Qd 5d )
> poker123123 folded
> ThePoet1 folded
> GEORDY folded
> pokermalc folded
> Andee1998 folded
> firemansam called for 100
> _MilkMan_ folded
> valleyshrew folded
> Bulinda called for 50
> debszippy checked
> Dealing the Flop(Qs 5c 10s )
> Bulinda checked
> debszippy bet for 200
> firemansam called for 200
> Bulinda went all-in for 4,056.09
> debszippy went all-in for 1,178.56
> firemansam folded
> Extra chips returned to Bulinda, 2,677.53
> Dealing the turn(2c )
> Dealing the river(8d )
> debszippy wins 3,257.12 with a Straight, Queen high
Później 8000 3 przegrane alliny bardzo pechowo w każdym po flopie byłem zwycięscą w dużym procencie

A to ostatnia ręka
> Dealing Hole Cards(Qs Qd )
> pokermalc, you have 10 seconds to respond
> pokermalc, you have 5 seconds to respond
> pokermalc did not act in time and was folded
> Andee1998 went all-in for 1,938.77
> firemansam went all-in for 3,039.55
> _MilkMan_ folded
> valleyshrew folded
> Bulinda went all-in for 2,277.53
> debszippy folded
> poker123123 folded
> ThePoet1 folded
> GEORDY folded
> Extra chips returned to firemansam, 762.02
> Dealing the Flop(6d Js 4c )
> Dealing the turn(As )
> Dealing the river(9h )
Koleś A cos tam i po mnie :D:D:D:D
Powodzenia Limpus

Od 3 turków na red32 mam bardzo wielkiego pechy czy to przypadek czy nie

Po wygranej 1260$

cały czas mnie ograbiają we dobrych Frerrolach albo Guarantet