z tego co wiem mozna przez moneybookers bo sam wplacalem, co do minumum wystarczy poczytac....

Moneybookers provides a fast, simple and secure way of transferring E-money to your Fonbet account. Fund your Moneybookers account via credit card or direct from your bank account first and then transfer funds to your Fonbet account via Fonbet website. All you need is an email address. Quick and easy to set up! No set up or monthly fees! Deposits and Withdrawals available!
Make a deposit:You should have registered and have an active account at Moneybookers. I WANT TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH MONEYBOOKERS!.
Please follow this link: Online deposit service
Execution time: Immediately after succesful payment
Minimal amount: 5 USD (or equal in your currency).
Bonus:We provide Bonus 3% of amount trasferred.
Notes: Transfer is free of charge
a wiec 5 dolarów i 3% gratis od wplacanej sumki

co do wplaty w pln nie wypowiadam sie bo mam konto w eur

mb w eur wiec u mnie wsio gra