Panowie moze ktos mi to przetlumaczyć dostalem to z supportu:
Thank you for submitting a 'Forgotten Password Form' for your betting account through the Centrebet website. Please 'reply with history' to this email to unlock your account and start using your new password. Your reply email must include the following serial number:
Potem podany jest jakis numer i dalej jest to:
Centrebet will update your password and unlock your account within five minutes of receiving your reply.
This e-mail is being sent to you to ensure that you, the account holder, made this request. If you did not make this request it is important that you do not reply to this e-mail. You can contact Centrebet on +61 8 8955 5800 or e-mail Please note that your account has currently been locked whilst we verify the authenticity of the request.
przetłumaczcie mi to . prosze.
