I collected all transfers made during World Cup break:
AIK 20 BOATENG Derek M *** INFO out to IsraelAIK 5 MJÄLLBY Johan D *** INFO retire 1 / 9 in starting XI AIK 29 ÖZKAN Gabriel M ** INFO new player / 9
AIK 27 SARAIVA Márcio D ** INFO new player, not yet playing / 9
AIK MENDES Daniel F ** INFO new player, available 31.7 / 9 AIK 26 LUKIC Nenad F * INFO contract terminated 1 / 9 BK Häcken 11 MAMBO-MUMBA Robert M ** INFO new player / 9 Djurgĺrden 22 KOMAC Andrej M ** INFO new player - / 9 Djurgĺrden 21 HĹKANSSON Jesper M * INFO out to Netherlands 0 / 9 Djurgĺrden 25 CARDOSO NAZARÉ Enrico M * INFO new player - / 9 GAIS BERG Jonathan M * INFO loan in from IFK Göteborg 0 / 9
GAIS ADAILTON Fransisco M * INFO loan in - / 9
GAIS RODRIGUES Aduato D * INFO loan in Gefle IF 4 THURESSON Mikael D * INFO out to Degerfors 1 / 9
Halmstad BK 10 ARVIDSSON Magnus F *** INFO new player / 9
Halmstad BK 6 ROSÉN Mikael D *** INFO new player / 9 Halmstad BK 10 H. THORVALDSSON Gunnar F ** INFO out to Germany 8 / 9 Hammarby 20 RUNSTRÖM Björn F *** INFO out to England 9 / 9 ( goals 4 )
Hammarby EGUREN Sebastian M ** INFO new player 25.7 - / 9 Helsingborgs IF 17 LARSSON Henrik F *** INFO new player / 9 Helsingborgs IF 3 CHRISTIANSEN Peter D ** INFO out to Denmark 2 / 9 IF Elfsborg JÖNSSON Jon D ** INFO new player, 25.7 4 / 9
IF Elfsborg AVDIC Denni F * INFO new player - / 9 IFK Göteborg 2 SVENSSON Karl D *** INFO out to Scotland 9 / 9 ( 3 ) IFK Göteborg 17 MOURAD George F *** INFO new player / 9 IFK Göteborg 22 WENDT Oscar D ** INFO out to Denmark 8 / 9 IFK Göteborg LAGO Alejandro D ** INFO new player - / 9 IFK Göteborg 15 GERBA Ali F * INFO loan out 2 / 9
IFK Göteborg 24 BERG Jonathan M * INFO loan out to GAIS 0 / 9 Kalmar FF SILVA MATOS Thiago M ** INFO new player - / 9 Malmö FF 8 ALVES Afonso F *** INFO out to Netherlands 6 / 9 ( 3 )Malmö FF 31 JOHANSSON Jonatan F *** INFO new player - / 9
Malmö FF 8 JÚNIOR F *** INFO new player - / 9 Malmö FF 13 JÖNSSON Jon D ** INFO out to Elfsborg 4 / 9 Malmö FF 5 GABRIEL D ** INFO new player - / 9
Malmö FF ANDERSSON Johan F ** INFO new player, available 1.1.2007 - / 9
Malmö FF 4 HÖILAND Jon Inge M ** INFO new player, INJURED - / 9 Malmö FF 19 HOLGERSSON Glenn D * INFO out to Örebro 3 / 9
Malmö FF 27 SLIPER Daniel M - INFO loan out 0 / 9 Örgryte IF 84 JOHANNESEN Erik F * INFO loan out 3 / 9
Örgryte IF 6 VEGA Angelo M * INFO loan out 2 / 9
Örgryte IF 8 JURKIC Dejan D * INFO loan out 2 / 9 Östers IF FIGUEIREDO Paulo Jose M ** INFO new player / 9
Östers IF BENNETT Teofore F ** INFO new player - / 9 And here are infos for tomorrow games:
SWE Allsvenskan, Injuries, July 16 - 15.07.2006
Djurgĺrden 2 CONCHA Matias D *** INJURED 9 / 9
Djurgĺrden 3 STOLTZ Robert D ** INJURED 8 / 9
Djurgĺrden 10 MAGRO Felix M ** INJURED 5 / 9
Djurgĺrden 23 DAVIDS Lance M ** OUT 3 / 9
Djurgĺrden 22 KOMAC Andrej M ** INFO new player - / 9
Djurgĺrden 21 HĹKANSSON Jesper M * INFO out to Netherlands 0 / 9
Djurgĺrden 5 OTTESEN Sölvi D * INJURED 0 / 9
Djurgĺrden 25 CARDOSO NAZARÉ Enrico M * INFO new player, not yet available - / 9
Djurgĺrden 24 BOSKAILO Dennis D - INJURED 0 / 9
IF Elfsborg 3 SJÖBERG Johan D *** INJURED 4 / 9
IF Elfsborg 24 ISHIZAKI Stefan M ** INJURED will probably play 9 / 9
IF Elfsborg JÖNSSON Jon D ** INFO new player, available 25.7 4 / 9
IF Elfsborg 11 MOBAECK Daniel F * BACK from injury 0 / 9
IF Elfsborg AVDIC Denni F * INFO new player - / 9
Halmstad BK 10 ARVIDSSON Magnus F *** INFO new player / 9
Halmstad BK 6 ROSÉN Mikael D *** INFO new player / 9
Halmstad BK 12 ZVIRGZDAUSKAS Tomas D ** SUSPENDED 4 games 9 / 9
Halmstad BK 10 H. THORVALDSSON Gunnar F ** INFO out to Germany 8 / 9
Halmstad BK 8 DELANI Eduardo F ** INJURED will probably play 6 / 9
Halmstad BK 9 SVENSSON Magnus M ** BACK from injury 0 / 9
Halmstad BK 11 JOHANSSON Joel F * INJURED 3 / 9
Halmstad BK 16 ANDERSSON Magnus M * INJURED long-term 0 / 9
Halmstad BK 18 ANKLEV Björn M * INJURED long-term 0 / 9
IFK Göteborg 2 SVENSSON Karl D *** INFO out to Scotland 9 / 9
IFK Göteborg 17 MOURAD George F *** INFO new player / 9
IFK Göteborg 22 WENDT Oscar D ** INFO out to Denmark 8 / 9
IFK Göteborg 4 OLSSON Thomas M ** INJURED 7 / 9
IFK Göteborg LAGO Alejandro D ** INFO new player, not yet available - / 9
IFK Göteborg 15 GERBA Ali F * INFO loan out 2 / 9
IFK Göteborg 8 ULANDER Martin M * INJURED long-term 0 / 9
IFK Göteborg 24 BERG Jonathan M * INFO loan out to GAIS 0 / 9
Explanation of stars (*) after the player names.
There are four different categories and they describe the importance of the player. Higher the importance, bigger the effect on estimations.
*** = Irreplaceable Key Player, high importance
** = A starting XI player or an often used rotation player, medium importance
* = Rotation player, small importance
- = A youngster or a very rarely used player, no importance
The last number indicates how many times the player has been in the starting XI of his team this season.